Established by Darren Vella, Innovative Planning Solutions Inc. is a well respected consulting firm providing creative and innovative design solutions to private sector clients. Innovative Planning Solutions has experienced steady growth over the past decade, and is now engaged in projects across the province.

IPS, as a business model, ensures a direct hands-on approach which we believe is essential to achieve a high-quality finished product.  Our firm believes that building relationships in turn builds better communities.  With projects in urban and rural settings, IPS has dependably built a reputation for quality professional services that are receptive to the unique character of individual communities and environments.

Our work typically involves varying levels of interaction with regulatory agencies, civic leaders, community residents, institutions, developers, landowners, businesses and private consultants. At IPS, we realize every project is unique and requires integrity, innovative design, and attention to detail.  IPS has vast experience dealing with various planning challenges ranging from the simplistic to extremely complex. Such challenges may include urban and rural development, residential, commercial, industrial developments, agriculture, environmental planning, natural resources, economic development, community improvement, heritage, health and safety, and healthy living. We realize planning is a complex process, with a diversity of interests which require innovative solutions.

Our highly qualified, multi-disciplinary land use planners are forward thinking individuals, with experience providing professional planning direction and services in all areas of Ontario to assist with your individual project needs. Our team ensures successful results by placing emphasis on the design process, effective project management, and recognizing that communication between client, consultant, and relative agencies is vital.  The final result is a development which is clearly defined, cost appropriate, delivered on time while satisfying the client's objectives.

IPS offers full services to all private sectors for assistance with official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments, site plans, subdivision agreements, master plans, community improvement plans, budget creation and review, development review, public consultation, conflict resolution, urban design, drafting and more. Our services are directed toward the development and revitalization of Ontario’s communities through balanced, sustainable solutions to planning and community building. 

Since the inception of the company almost a decade ago, IPS has represented many private sector clients at the Ontario Municipal Board.  Staff of IPS has provided expert opinion or testimony on many OMB hearings, with over 90% success rate within these cases.