Greg joined IPS in 2008. Since then, Greg has gained considerable planning experience spanning a large geographic area within Ontario extending from the Rideau River area towards Essex County and from Simcoe County towards the City of Greater Sudbury. Often working as part of a multidisciplinary team, Greg has been involved in a number of successful Planning Act applications including approvals for Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments; Draft Plans of Subdivisions/Condominium, Severances, Minor Variances and many Site Plans. Working in the private sector, Greg has experience in many sectors of the planning and development industry including Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Agricultural, Rural and Recreational.
Through education and experience, Greg applies a practical and sensible approach to his projects in order to meet the goals and objectives of clients; this approach provides results regardless of scale and scope of any given project. Barker prefers to apply a practical approach to his projects which respects the goals and objectives of clients while also accommodating the requirements of respective governing bodies. With a fresh look and new approach to planning, Mr. Barker is an asset to the firm.