Staff Info
Darren Vella MCIP, RPP
President & Director
Darren Vella is the President and Founder of Innovative Planning Solutions Inc. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Planning from the University of Northern British Columbia in 2000. Prior to forming IPS, Darren was a well respected municipal planner within Simcoe County in the capacity of Junior Planner and Director of Planning. Having worked in both the public and private sector, Darren’s vast knowledge and experience, coupled with his innovative concepts, have earned him a solid reputation within the planning and development community. By 2018, Mr. Vella had provided expert testimony as a qualified land use planner on forty-five (45) occasions at the Ontario Municipal Board.
In his spare time, he volunteers and sponsors a number of community organizations within the Barrie area.
Cameron Sellers B.B.A.
Cameron Sellers brings over 18 years of experience working in fast-paced multi-stakeholder environments in the Planning, Engineering, and Business sectors. He has extensive work experience being part of, and leading, multidisciplinary teams locally, nationally, and internationally. Cameron is a passionate problem solver whose planning approach includes creating innovative and logical solutions to the many challenges of land development. A skilled project manager and planner, Cameron’s focus at IPS includes a strong emphasis on Site Plan and Subdivision approvals and registrations.
Since joining the firm in 2009, Cameron has proven to be an excellent facilitator, possessing a diverse background and strong technical analysis abilities, making him a valuable asset to IPS.
Greg Barker BA
Greg joined IPS in 2008. Since then, Greg has gained considerable planning experience spanning a large geographic area within Ontario extending from the Rideau River area towards Essex County and from Simcoe County towards the City of Greater Sudbury. Often working as part of a multidisciplinary team, Greg has been involved in a number of successful Planning Act applications including approvals for Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments; Draft Plans of Subdivisions/Condominium, Severances, Minor Variances and many Site Plans. Working in the private sector, Greg has experience in many sectors of the planning and development industry including Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Agricultural, Rural and Recreational.
Through education and experience, Greg applies a practical and sensible approach to his projects in order to meet the goals and objectives of clients; this approach provides results regardless of scale and scope of any given project. Barker prefers to apply a practical approach to his projects which respects the goals and objectives of clients while also accommodating the requirements of respective governing bodies. With a fresh look and new approach to planning, Mr. Barker is an asset to the firm.