Cras nec arcu ut nibh tincidunt venenatis. Suspendisse iaculis volutpat ultricies. Praesent congue metus ac nibh luctus feugiat. Quisque ac finibus velit. Fusce consectetur metus sed mauris consequat convallis. Pellentesque viverra eget mauris quis aliquam. Fusce lacinia auctor magna, vel vehicula sapien. Suspendisse eget augue ipsum. Aliquam luctus libero sed lacus iaculis volutpat. Pellentesque ullamcorper dolor a tincidunt interdum. Pellentesque ut commodo erat, sed fermentum nulla. Etiam sagittis congue hendrerit. Proin gravida vel purus quis efficitur. Ut faucibus vitae turpis quis consectetur.
Quisque et bibendum tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vehicula egestas tortor, non luctus mi molestie eget. Vivamus at dolor non risus placerat pretium. Integer vitae cursus odio. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse efficitur neque sit amet dui aliquam, ut ullamcorper mi accumsan. Integer egestas blandit rutrum. Morbi vel risus lectus. Quisque ultricies bibendum augue, sollicitudin auctor est maximus vitae. Nunc vitae ligula posuere, fringilla metus quis, facilisis nisl.
Burls Creek Event Grounds
180 8th Line South, Oro Medonte, ON
Proposed temporary use Bylaw, proposed County and Township Official Plan Amendments & Township Zoning Bylaw Amendment.
Painswick Village
70 Dean Avenue, Barrie, ON
Innovative Planning Solutions was retained by DeMac Properties Inc. to complete a Planning Justification Report in relation to a Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) application on lands known municipally as 70 Dean Avenue in the City of Barrie. The purpose of the ZBA application is to obtain approval for a multi-use development which will introduce a Retirement Home, Place of Worship and Daycare facility to the subject property.
Heidi's RV
Line 11, Oro-Medonte, ON
Prior to 2010, the applicant and owner of Heidi’s RV Campground determined their operation was at capacity and required expansion to remain financially viable. Over the period of several years (2010-2014), Innovative Planning Solutions worked with the Township, County, and Conservation Authority to secure approval of the required expansion area.
Hi-Way Church
Anne Street North & Henry Street Barrie, ON
Our firm is currently working with the municipality and the client to re-designate and rezone the subject lands to allow for a place of worship and seniors facility to be developed. This entails an Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-Law Amendment.
Gravel Pit Project
Barrie Hill Road, ON
An interpretation of land use boundary letter was submitted on January 27, 2010 to request that lands designated as Rural on the property be recognized as High Aggregate Potential. In February of 2010, Planning Committee passed resolution 2010-310 which acknowledged that the lands designated rural on the property can be recognized as High Aggregate Potential. Because of this, an official Plan amendment was not required for a pit to operate on the property.